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The Black community is constantly saying that we need to build our own businesses and rebuild our own communities, but most schools are not teaching our children  to have a maker's mindset or  HOW to create things... until NOW!

For just $1 a day you can help CREATE CREATORS by helping children gain access to a New Alkebulan education. The New Alkebulan STEM Education Center, a private school based in Florida, uses project-based learning, advanced academics and personal development to mold our students into the future entrepreneurs, builders and leaders of our community. Your assistance will allow us to create a scholarship fund for qualifying students. Every dollar you give goes to a child! Give just $1 a day and give a child a New Alkebulan education! Give just $1 a day and help create the builders that the community has been calling for.

Choose your level of support

  • One-Time Donation

    • Thank you for your one-time support today.
    • You will not be billed again.
  • $1 - Weekly Warrior

    Every week
    • Each WEEK the $1 a Day Drive will receive your $7 gift.
  • $1 - Monthly Support

    Every month
    • Once a month the $1 a Day Drive will receive your $31 gift.
    • We acknowledge that not every month has 31 days but the
    • payment system requires a set rate and can not fluctuate as
    • the days of the month do. Thank you for your understanding.
  • $2/Day Super Support

    Every month
    • This donation is also calculated based on a 31-day month.
    • Thank you for going the extra mile and giving generously.
  • $5 a Day

    Every month
    "You Mean Business!"
    • Those who donate at this level will receive a FREE course in
    • Dr. Boyce Watkin's Black Business School. These phenomenal
    • wealth-building courses will give you the financial
    • knowledge to earn back far more than you are giving here!
  • One-Time Donation

    • Thank you for your one-time support today.
    • You will not be billed again.
  • Business SPONSOR

    Every month
    Get Business Perks, including marketing and meeting space
    Valid for 10 months
    • This SMALL BUSINESS SPONSORSHIP option will help a child &
    • your business! Sponsor a child for 1 week out of the month
    • and receive advertisement on our school website and social
    • media pages, free vendor space at our events, be added to
    • our "preferred vendors list" where we use your services and
    • refer you to parents when applicable, and have free use of
    • our 1600 sq.ft eventspace/banquet hall for a 4-hour event.
    • HELP YOUR BUSINESS by helping a New Alkebulan student!


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